Teaching Bug is Now on Facebook
You can now follow what our classroom and school is doing by liking my Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Teaching-Bug/187316978002072.
It is very easy, simply click on the link above and it will take you to my Teaching Bug page. Once you are there you will see a grey "LIKE" button. Click that and you will see updates in your Facebook News Feed.
Although I have a website and blog, it isn't as easy to see on your mobile phone as Facebook is. If you are anything like me, I am always on my Droid X and I have to admit i visit Facebook often. That is how I came to this idea. I always thought how great Facebook would be to communicate with parents, but that has always been a no-no because it is too personal. Well, now Facebook has a way to create a professional page, like I did, that you can like and receive updates.
Please use this tool so you can keep up with what we are doing.
Mrs. Ferreiro