2nd Grade Daily Schedule
8:05am Morning Business:
This takes place outside on Fridays.
- Pledge of Allegiance
- 30 Seconds of Silence
- Morning Announcements (Gecko Live)
Tardy bell rings at 8:15am
8:20am Enrichment & Intervention:
- Language Arts Skill of the Week
- Envision's Math: Daily Spiral Review
- Daily Oral Geography
- Reading Groups/Voyager
- Reading Project
8:50am Reader's Workshop:
- Reading Groups/Voyager
- Spelling
- Vocabulary
- Trophies Story
- Reading Project
- Trophies' Reading Skill
10:00am Bathroom/Brain Break Outside
10:10am EnVision Math
- Problem of the Day
- Mini Lesson
- Independent Practice
- Quick Check
- Fact Practice
11:20am Recess/Lunch
11:55am Read Aloud/Author Study
12:05pm Writer’s Workshop/Being a Writer
- Paragraph Editing
- Brainstorming
- Rough draft
- Revise
- Publish
- Lifebooks
12:40pm Prep/Specials
1:35pm Science, Social Studies, Health, and Technology
2:20pm Pack Up/ Housekeeping
- Review Homework
- Blog
- Stack Chairs
- Dump Trash
- Empty Mailboxes
- Line up
2:26pm Dismissal