Mrs. Rachel Ferreiro
Roger D. Gehring Elementary School
1155 E. Richmar
Las Vegas, NV 89123
(702) 799-6899
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2015-2016 Classroom Expectations

2015-2016 Classroom Expectations


1.  Follow directions the first time they are given.

2.  Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak.

3.  Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

4.  Stay in your seat unless you have permission to do otherwise.

5.  Use kind language and quiet voices.


HOMEWORK:    Homework will vary, as it pertains to a student’s need.  Sometimes homework will be differentiated, meaning that not everyone has the same assigned work.  It is the responsibility of the student to do what is assigned.  Each student will be given a planner.  It will contain all the information & assignments from the day.  That means when they get home and you ask them about their homework, they need to tell you.  "I don't know" is not acceptable.  If they fail to complete the work that is given to them, it will reflect on their academic/behavioral growth.  Self-regulation will be heavily stressed during the school year.  When homework is given it is to be returned the next day to school for review unless it is stated otherwise in the planner.  ALL STUDENTS are required to read a book at their A.R. level for at least 20-30 minutes every night.  In 4th grade the students are "reading to learn" versus the past grades where they were "learning to read."   Each student must answer a question from the list sent home and answer it in an essay style format.  That means I should be able to read their response and know what question they chose because they restated it in their response.  Throughout the year we will refer to that type of essay writing as RAPC (Restate, Answer, Prove, Conclude).  We will be using Accelerated Reader (A.R.) at school and students will be able to take A.R. tests on books they read at home along with earn points towards rewards from the Librarian.  We also compete with the other fourth grade class each week.  Math facts MUST already be mastered.  If your child can not immediately recall their math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, & division) then they need to practice at home until they can. The work we will be doing in math is building on those facts and if they don't know them they will struggle with our math lessons.  ST Math is available and encouraged to do at home on a computer or tablet.

CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT:  I have found that 4th grade is a huge transition for students socially.  "Drama" seems to pop up on a daily basis.  My approach will be to encourage students to work things out for themselves and mediate when needed.  I have found that positive reinforcement and cooperative learning works well and sets students up for success.  If a student is not following classroom/school expectations they will 1)Be given a verbal warning, 2)Name on the white board 3)Student will have to complete a “Time to Think” sheet and bring it home to be signed by a parent and returned to school the following day.  If the behavior persists, a parent-teacher-administrator conference may be necessary or an individual behavior plan implemented.  Students can earn raffle tickets for classroom jobs, being good examples, getting good grades on assessments, passing ST Math levels, every 10 A.R. points, and Class Dojo points.  The tickets can be used for random classroom drawings for treats, pencils, computer time, monthly lunches with me, to work at my desk, etc.  Attendance is so important.  Students need to be at school and on time.  Attendance is monitored closely by administration.  If your child will be out or tardy, please send in a note.  After 5 tardies a student is subject to a Required Parent Conference (RPC).  Every 10 times our class has perfect attendance the class gets a story and snack from Mrs. Yacobovsky.

GRADING/PROGRESS REPORTS:   Common grade level assessments are given when we reach the end of a unit lesson.  That means assessments can fall on various days of the week.  The school year will be divided into two semesters.  That also means only two report cards will be given.  Student Planners will state when assessments are.  I will do my best to grade papers as quick as possible.  Most of the writing is kept at school in student journals and will be hung in our classroom in their portfolios.  We are using Infinite Campus for our gradebook. There is a smartphone APP for Infinite Campus as well as being able to access it via the internet at    Progress Reports will be sent home every three weeks.  Parents need to sign it, send it back to school so I can see that it is signed, the student earns a raffle ticket, and they return it back home for parents to keep.  If you have any questions please let me know.  

LUNCH:  Parents who wish information regarding the Free/Reduced lunch programs should contact the school’s cafeteria manager at 702-799-6899.  The regular price of breakfast is $1.50 and lunch is $2.00.

BIRTHDAYS: Instructional time is very valuable.  If you would like to send treats with your child that is fine.  Please send something easy.  Cutting a cake up for 30 plus students takes too much time.  IF YOU BRING IN FOOD, PLEASE BRING IN PLATES OR WHATEVER SUPPLIES ARE NEEDED TO CONSUME THE FOOD NEATLY.   Treats don’t even have to be edible.  Small prizes are great.  For example: pencils, erasers, stickers, etc.  If you would like to bring in treats, please arrange a time with me (the end of the day, 2:10pm, works best).

CURRICULUM:  The CCSD recently adopted Nevada Academic Content Standards (NVACS), based on the Common Core Standards.  These standards are intended to be aligned with the entire nation. Visit  to see the district’s plan.  The standards are specifically defined for each grade level and subject area.  Our teachers collaborate weekly to pace the curriculum according to the NVACS, develop instructional strategies, and common assessments. Our goal is that each student will demonstrate reasonable amounts of growth no matter what their academic levels are.  We will be taking the standardized computer based Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) at the end of the year.

PARENT HELPERS:  I would love to have parent helpers.  If you have the time, I have things for you to do.  It would mostly consist of helping with copying, removing and putting up bulletin boards, and possibly working with small groups of students in reading/writing with my direction.  Parent helpers are expected to act in a professional manner when working at school and dress in a business casual manner if working with children.   Please contact me before hand, so I can notify the office and prepare for your visit.      

PARENT/TEACHER COMMUNICATION:  Contact me if you have any questions or concerns. I can be reached during school hours at 702-799-6899 ext 3041.  Please leave a voicemail and I will return the call as soon as I can.  If there is an emergency then please speak with the office.  Email is best.  You can email me through my contact form, or at  I check my email frequently. Staff members are available to interpret Spanish.  If there is another language you need assistance with, please contact the office at 702-799-6899.     

RESOURCES:  All students will be given a daily planner, we are asking for $5 to cover the cost.  Cash only please.  Please refer to the supply list that the office issued for requested classroom supplies.

Materials to help your child are available at these places:

  • Local Library
  • Lakeshore


There are so many websites out on the world wide web that are very beneficial to your student.  I put a list together of some that I would recommend. 

Passwords will be issued to students for these sites: