Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Wed, 07/15/2015 - 3:48pm
Welcome to Room 41's blog. I am hoping to have the students add to this blog. I will start it out with the hopes that we will have time to teach the students how to use it.
Only students whose parents have signed the media waiver will be able to participate in the student blog (including any photos taken in class). We will not use last names in our blogs and plan on occasionally using photos. If you have any questions or concerns about our blog, please don't hesitate to ask.
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Thu, 01/31/2013 - 2:19pm
I told the students to go on for their homework in math tonight. They were concerned that their parents would not believe them so I am posting it live for all the parents to see! If they can't go on, then any form of math fact practice in multiplication or division will be great!
Always, complete their reading log in their best handwriting and grammar!
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Tue, 09/18/2012 - 7:55pm

Today we studied Barn Owl pellets. The students got into partners and took toothpicks and gently picked through their pellets. You could hear
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Sun, 06/03/2012 - 3:44pm
My dentist at Image Dental donated 2 adult teeth to our classroom so we could do a little experiment on them. Since we were learning about nutrition, I thought it would be a great opportunity for the students to see that drinking water is better for their teeth than drinking sugary soda. I poured water in one cup and Coke into another cup. I put a tooth in each cup and we left it in our classroom for a day. We came in to find that the water had done nothing to the tooth. It looked the same as it did before we put it in. The tooth that was left in the Coke was brown and pieces were chi
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Sun, 04/22/2012 - 7:35pm
As a culminating activity to our fraction unit, we read the Hershey Fraction book and each student received their very own chocolate bar. We divided it into 12 equal parts. The students first got to eat 1/12 of their bar. We moved to 2/11 then 3/9. Once they had eaten half of their bar we divided the 6 pieces in 3 equal groups and they were told to eat 1/3. They were reducing fractions and didn't even realize it. It was so much fun. Some students couldn't even finish their chocolate bar. They had trouble eating 12/12 or 1 whole!
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Mon, 04/09/2012 - 10:42pm
Our field trip to Bonnie Springs was so much fun. It was worth all the hard work to get us there. A very special thank you to Mrs.
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Mon, 03/19/2012 - 11:50pm
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Fri, 03/02/2012 - 7:50pm
This year during Reading Week was so much fun! Our class won three days out of five for classroom participation for dressing up. We won a popcorn party, ice cream sandwiches, and another popcorn party. One of our students won the decorate your own bookmark contest with Mr. Hartzel, our Art teacher. Each student received two free books from Mr.
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 9:16pm
Reading Week will be held the week of February 27, 2012. If you would like to come and read to our class or you know of someone that would like to be a guest reader, please email me through my contact form or at
The theme this year is non-fiction/history.
Currently the students have been assigned a president to research and write about. I can't wait to read what they found and display it for everyone to read.
Submitted by Mrs. Ferreiro on Mon, 02/20/2012 - 8:10pm

We are pleased to welcome Miss Young to room 54. She is a Practicum II student from UNLV. She will be in our classroom Tuesdays and Thursdays for the mornning. If she continues to pursue her degree, she will return to our room for the beginning of next year to start off the 2012-2013 school year and be a full time Student Teacher/Intern.