Reading Week 2012

This year during Reading Week was so much fun! Our class won three days out of five for classroom participation for dressing up. We won a popcorn party, ice cream sandwiches, and another popcorn party. One of our students won the decorate your own bookmark contest with Mr. Hartzel, our Art teacher. Each student received two free books from Mr. Duck. I enjoyed calling all the students between 4p-6pm to catch them reading. The kiddos that I was able to speak with were so funny. They didn't answer with a hello, instead they answered with a "I am reading..." I guess my caller ID gave it away that I was calling. At least they were excited to read. I may just randomly call them from now on....hmmmm?
We celebrated Dr. Seuss' Birthday by reading about oobleck, going on, and reading "Horton Hears a Who."
Sydney, my step-daughter, stopped by to read Walter the Farting Dog. Mr. Ferreiro, my husband, and our son visited today and read The Berenstein Bears: Computer Trouble.